Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back from Haitis - How many times do we have to say it

I've taken a few months off from blogging to work on some other things. Well folks, once again humans have proven to be woefully unmatched when it comes to controlling the earth and her resources. Yes, I'm talking about what everyone else is talking about - the Gulf Coast Oil Spill.

I have no idea how long it will take the earth to recover from this disaster, but eventually, she will recover: she always has. As for the flora, fish, and fowl....some habitats may remain inhabitable for some time to come.

We should do ourselves and the other residents of this planet a favor and pay more attention to the systems that support life on the planet rather than supporting the pockets of a select few.

Walk More: Drive Less Support Plan for and Build Urban Transportation Systems that have little reliance on fossil fuel.